Alarming Decline in Cybersecurity Job Postings in the US

A new study by CyberSN warns that the overall number of cybersecurity job postings in the US decreased by 22% from 2022 to 2023. The cyber job platform provider added that this decline is alarming and could impact national security, as some of these roles are essential for maintaining organizational and national cyber defenses.

Cyb3R_Sm@rT!: Use a Password Manager to Create and “Remember” Strong Passwords

Strong passwords—those that are long, random, and unique—are essential to your personal cybersecurity, especially as advancements in computer processing speed and power continually make it easier for threat actors to crack passwords that do not meet these requirements. However, it is not practical for a person to remember all of their passwords. Password managers were created to solve this problem, helping you to formulate strong passwords and “remember” them.

Underinvestment In Cybersecurity Fuelling Cyber Attacks In SMEs Sector

The absence of competent security operations staff at small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) is the reason behind the surge in cyber attacks against them, a report has revealed. Findings of the report by cybersecurity firm, Sophos, revealed that nearly 50 per cent of malware detections for SMBs were keyloggers, spyware, and stealers, malware that attackers use to steal data and credentials.

Insider Threats Surge 14% Annually as Cost-of-Living Crisis Bites

Employee fraud grew significantly last year thanks to the opportunities afforded by remote working and the pressures of a cost-of-living crisis in the UK, according to Cifas. The anti-fraud non-profit claimed that the number of individuals recorded in its cross-sector Insider Threat Database (ITD) increased 14% year-on-year (YoY) in 2023, with the most common reason being “dishonest action to obtain benefit by theft or deception” (49%).

Three Ways to Spot Insider Risk…

The biggest challenge to spotting a threat is knowing what to look for. The greatest challenge for most organizations who are trying to identify insider threats, is visibility into employee behavior and actions. Without it, you lack context to understand whether activity is beneficial or harmful to the organization. This ebook provides guidance around the steps necessary to spot insider threats both proactively and reactively, including how to : Define insider risk, Monitor leading indicators and Look for active indicators.

NIST releases updated Cybersecurity Framework 2.0…

The U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has long been a useful source of resources to help cybersecurity teams evaluate needs, plan investments, and implement best practices. In 2013 it published the NIST Cybersecurity Framework (CSF) as the primary repository for guidance on establishing effective cybersecurity practices. Now comes the news that the updating process is complete and CSF 2.0 has been officially published. So, let’s have a look at what’s changed and how those changes may affect your efforts to understand, implement, and maintain cybersecurity best practices.

NIST National Vulnerability Database Disruption Sees CVE Enrichment on Hold…

Something mysterious is happening at the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) that could make many organizations vulnerable to threat actors. Since February 12, 2024, NIST has almost completely stopped enriching software vulnerabilities listed in its National Vulnerability Database (NVD), the world's most widely used software vulnerability database.

Data tampering is an underrated threat — get your backup ready…

World Backup Day is an annual reminder of how important it is to have an up-to-date, readily accessible copy of everything that matters to your business. Resilient backups allow you to recover more quickly from data damage, disruption, or loss, particularly if a ransomware attack has resulted in encrypted or deleted files. These are well-known and widely reported benefits of backups — but there’s more. Immutable data backups can also protect you from the underrated threats of data tampering and malicious insiders, unpredictable activities that can significantly damage brand trust and reputation if they’re not addressed.

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